Lori / love / Make A Difference / Pink Hat Missions / Sockvember

Sockvember 2016 Update #1

It is 4:14 pm

Okay…time to get real for Sockvember 2016. As I mentioned in my   2nd Annual Sockvember Drive blog,after last years grassroots efforts,I was both overjoyed by the amount of socks we got but also dismayed by the high cost of mailing said socks to me.
I want people to feel comfortable and be willing to trust that their donations were and are going to those in need. This is why I didn’t want cash/checks sent to me nor would I ask for such….so this year,we are doing it a little different.

You can now donate by either sending socks directly to me in via the Postal Service. Or if you comfortable,you can send a gift card and I will buy the socks here. If you need receipts for tax purposes,I will mail those to you.
I have talked to a few people who are smart shoppers and have agreed that Walmart and Target would be the best stores to shop for socks. Personally I think Dollar Tree isn’t a bad option as well for women and children’s socks.
It is completely up to you,the donor,on how you wish to contribute. But please,no checks or cash….

You can send your socks to the following:


Michael Sullivan
45249 Lemont Road
Canton,Mich 48187

I will post updates once a week on how well we are doing….like the fact we got our first package of 10 socks this week.  Sadly,I don’t know who sent it in so I can’t thank them here but I am deeply thankful!!

If you have any questions- you can email me at MP_Sullivan02@yahoo.com

Thank you!


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